Juleigh Howard-Hobson

Here, sitting here, in the half dark, with the
bush beans and the pumpkin vines and fennel
that is just beginning to bloom with a
lacy blur of greenish yellow, pell mell
and bright in the grey air of dusk while beet
leaves, scarlet shot and earwig bitten, catch
the eye beneath a strand of bittersweet
nightshade, (the only vile weed in the patch
but what lovely violet blossoms and blood
red berries), as the shadows climb across
the rows and meet the fence. . . I’ve understood
little of how a garden grows; I toss
seeds in holes, give them water, uproot weeds
and somehow, some how, life itself proceeds.


NB: This poem appears under the title "Twilight Reverie" in VerseWeavers, a 2007 anthology from the Oregon State Poetry Association.

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